Wedhang Uwuh Sebagai Alternatif Peningkatan Ekonomi dan Stamina Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Dusun Banyusumurup

Ichwan Ridwan Rais, Hari Susanti, Zuchrotus Salamah, Mulyani Rizka Adjuna, Vetriana Kumaza Arum, Rana Adhelia Putri


Covid-19 pandemic are still interfering health and economical balance of society. Indonesian people believing in deeply rooted that traditional remedies are potentially prevent the spread of the virus. Shortly after the pandemic break, Indonesian were utilized various of herbal and traditional medicines to maintain and gain their immunity and stamina as same as to improve the economy that affected. Banyusumurup village at Girirejo,urban village, Imogiri sub-district is one of the wedang uwuh home-production center which is identical belong to Yogyakarta province. This present community services were to deliver technological processing in tea bag and instant powder of wedhang uwuh to the local home-production. The aim were to increase the product quality by training and accompaniment in the raw material selection and handling, as well as product diversification in tea bag and instant powder. The results of this program were evaluated by pre-test and post-test questionnaire that indicated the counterpart upgrade in knowledge and skills to produce good quality of wedhang uwuh products


Keywords : Wedhang uwuh, covid-19, immunity, economy, Banyusumurup.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Ichwan Ridwan Rais

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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