Pelatihan struktur organisasi dan manajemen sumber daya manusia di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir

Djamaluddin Perawironegoro, Rika Astari, Ebit Sutrisna, Imroatum Muhimmah


A clear organizational structure in the picture followed by an explanation of the duties and authorities of each section contributes to the effectiveness of the school. Likewise, policies in human resource management play a role in moving school members to participate positively in realizing school goals. The lack of knowledge about these two things has an impact on the less than optimal of the two non-physical resources, the impact is that the school's performance is less than optimal. SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir already has an organizational structure and manages teachers and education personnel, but the management is not optimal. The purpose of the activities carried out is to educate teachers and education staff about the importance of these two things in moving school residents. This activity was attended by all teachers and school education staff. The activity method is carried out with the stages of preparation of activities, implementation of activities, and evaluation and reporting of activity. The results of socialization activities and workshops improve the knowledge, understanding, skills, and services of teachers and education personnel. The increase in the aspect of organizational structure, from 81, 41%, increased to 88, 26%, while the aspect of human resource management increased from 79.34% to 86.94%. The impact of this activity is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of teachers in working based on their positions and positions, and to clarify the management of human resources. Teachers and education staff are moved and motivated to contribute together in realizing school goals.


Human resource management; School organizational structure;

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