Training, Mentoring on Classroom Action Research and Scientific Publications MTs Masyitoh Teachers

Trianik Widyaningrum, Indro Prastowo


Classroom Action Research (CAR) training and scientific writing are one of the efforts to develop the teaching profession. This training aims to equip teachers of MTs Masyitoh Gamping in terms of CAR and strategies for compiling scientific papers correctly in accordance with writing guidelines, and equip teachers with procedures for publishing scientific papers in mass media and journals. The training was attended by 17 teachers from various fields of study through googlemeet and then continued offline at MTs Masyitoh Gamping school. The implementation method begins with presentations by resource persons, discussions and simulations of papers that have been prepared by participants. The lecture method is needed to explain the procedure for preparing scientific papers, including how to compile CAR into a scientific paper. Practical methods are needed to provide opportunities for participants to write scientific papers in the form of articles for journals. From the results of the pre-test and post-test conducted, it can be seen that the participants' understanding of Classroom Action Research and writing scientific papers increased from 42.5 to 75. Besides the test results, from the results of the questionnaire, 90% of participants said they were motivated to make CAR and publish PTK created. It can be concluded that the CAR training carried out by the community service team had a direct impact on the participants' knowledge related to CAR and scientific publications. The output of this activity is expected to have several teacher papers in the form of journals or proceedings that are ready to be submitted to the relevant journals


Classroom Action Research; Scientific Publications; teacher professionalism

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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