Pelatihan Pembuatan RPP Merdeka Belajar Bagi Guru Agama Islam SD Dan MI Muhammadiyah Se-Kulon Progo

Hanif Cahyo Kistoro, Yusron Masduki, Yusutria Yusutria


The concept of independent learning as part of improving the quality of education in general has not been fully understood by schools and teachers. Adjustments in the implementation of this learning model require socialization and training which are expected to be able to make teachers and schools carry out learning with the concept of independent learning. The Kulon Progo Dikdasmen Council as one part of the institution that oversees the schools in the Muhammadiyah environment, totaling 39 Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools and 9 Madrasah Ibtidayyah Muhamadiyah spread throughout the Kulon Progo Regency has a concern in the success of this independent learning program. The Dikdasmen Council is also obliged to provide adequate guidance and training for teachers in schools and madrasas under their guidance so that they have maximum competence. and professional. The training on making lesson plans for independent learning is one of the developments in pedagogic competencies that must be and continue to be honed. This time, UAD's Community Service Program (PPM) was carried out with the aim of providing an understanding of SMP and MTs Muhammadiyah teachers in Kulon Progo to be more professional in carrying out learning tasks, especially in the new curriculum, namely the concept of independent learning. This service activity is expected to be a simple guide for the development of further service activities. The output targets for this service include activity reports, articles published in newspaper media, scientific articles published in service journals, and implementation videos


Training, Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Independent Learning, Competence

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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