Development of riparian vegetation biodiversity field guide book as river health biomonitoring instruction for class X SMA/MA students

Nisa Ulmah Mudah


This study aims to (1) determine the biodiversity of riparian vegetation as a biomonitoring of health in the Kuning River and Tambak Bayan, (2) produce a field guidebook for biodiversity of riparian vegetation as a guide for river health biomonitoring for 10th grade high school students, and (3) determine the quality a field guidebook for riparian vegetation biodiversity as a guide for river health biomonitoring which was developed after being assessed by material experts, media experts, peer reviewers, biology teachers and 10th grade high school students. The type of development research used is Research and Development (R & D) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) and is limited to ADDE without implementation. The products that have been developed are assessed by material experts, media experts, peer reviewers, biology teachers and fifteen students from SMAN 1 Cangkringan. This research found 108 plant species consisting of 47 families. The product produced is a field guidebook for biodiversity of riparian vegetation for biomonitoring of river health. Product evaluation results according to material experts 85.88% (Very Good), media experts 83.63% (Very Good), peer reviewers 90.57%, (Very Good), biology teacher 91.42% (Very Good), and students 83.20% (Very Good). Based on this assessment, a field guidebook for biodiversity of riparian vegetation for biomonitoring of river health is worthy for use as teaching material for 10th grade high school students on water pollution.


Field guidebook; Riparian vegetation; Biomonitoring

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Deparment of Biology Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

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