Water type differences analysis in ovitrap to the number of Aedes mosquito eggs in the pagesangan baru, Mataram City

Aninda Rosanti Putri, Galuh Tresnani, Bambang Fajar Suryadi, I Wayan Suana, Yuliadi Zamroni


This study aim was determine the water type difference of ovitrap to the attractiveness of Aedes mosquitoes to lay eggs. The data collection technique used in this research purposive sampling with several criteria that include exclusion and inclusion criteria. The ovitrap is installed both indoors and outdoors, each with 3 ovitrap, consisting of rainwater, river water, and tap water. The results showed that the number of Aedes eggs in rainwater was 1.455, river water was 660, and tap water was 107. The One Way Anova test obtained a p-value = 0.000 (p<0.05), which means that there are a significant differences to the attractiveness of Aedes mosquitoes to lay eggs. Ovitrap with rainwater has the highest umber of eggs, compared to the river water and the tap water.


Aedes; water type; ovitrap

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26555/symbion.11689


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