Problem-Solving Skills for Middle School Students through the STEM-Based PBL Model

Gamar Shamdas


The ability of students in problem-solving skills is unevenly distributed at all levels of education. This descriptive research with a quantitative approach aims to empower junior high school students' problem-solving abilities through STEM-based PBL learning, determine gender-based problem-solving skills and describe the level of problem-solving skills based on problem-solving indicators. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 4 Palu Class VII with a total population of 12 classes. The sample was determined randomly, and 2 classes were selected, each as the experimental and the control classes. The experimental class applies STEM-based PBL learning, and the control class uses conventional learning using discussion, question and answer and lecture methods. The research design is the Posttest Only Control Design. Data on problem-solving skills were obtained through test essays circulated after learning. The collected data were analyzed non-parametrically using the Mann-Whitney U test with the help of SPSS version 25.0. The study results show that learning by applying STEM-based PBL can empower problem-solving skills in junior high school students compared to conventional learning. The solving skills of female students were significantly better than those of male students, and the problem-solving skills of junior high school students were relatively good.


Problem-Solving, STEM, PBL

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