Selvi - Selvia


Infertility is a condition in married couples who have regular and adequate sexual intercourse for more than one year without using contraception, but have not had a pregnancy or offspring. Factors that cause infertility can be caused by men, women, or even both. Approximately 10% - 15% of couples of reproductive age experience infertility, with the contribution of the male factor, which is equal to 40% -50%. The analysis of embryo development and spermatozoa DNA fragmentation aims to analyze the function of spermatozoa in infertile men and to determine the relationship between sperm DNA fragmentation and embryo development in IVF patients. This study was an experimental study with a total of 30 samples of husband's patients who carried out the IVF program who met the researcher's inclusion criteria. The statistical test results obtained showed that there was a significant relationship between the DNA fragmentation index (DFI)  (P<0.05), therefore it can be concluded that further research is needed so that many more things can be explored. of other causes of infertility.

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Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

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