Ecological aspects and conservation practices based on local wisdom of lubuk larangan in Jambi

Ayu Aulia Sari, Fachruddin Majeri Mangunjaya, Aadrean Aadrean -


Lubuk larangan is a form of local wisdom in which there is a tradition that has been owned for generations and is still developed and well maintained by the surrounding community in an effort to manage river water conservation areas. This study aims to identify vegetation and local wisdom-based conservation practices carried out at five stations, namely the Laman Panjang Hamlet area (1), Buat Hamlet (2), Lubuk Beringin Hamlet (3), Senamat Ulu Hamlet (4) and Sei telang Hamlet (5). Vegetation analysis uses the quadrant method with pole and tree level vegetation types and analysis of local wisdom-based conservation practices using the descriptive quantitative method, which provides a factual description and explanation of conservation practices and community perceptions including social, environmental, cultural and economic conditions and knowledge of the existence of animals around the lubuk larangan. The results of the study showed that the highest tree-level important value index is banyan (Ficus benjamina) which is 147.86 for pole-level INP, Duku (Lansium domesticum) which is 185.25. In addition, this study states that local wisdom-based conservation practices are conducting deliberations to prepare for the formation of the committee for opening and closing lubuk larangan. The existence of rules and sanctions changes the mindset of the community trying to protect the environment properly such as maintaining and utilizing the lubuk larangan area as a breeding ground for fish. using environmentally friendly harvesting tools such as nets and nets and prohibiting the use of stun and poison. The community believes that the rules for taking fish in the lubuk larangan area will be subject to customary oaths. There are many animals found around the prohibition hole, such as berang berang for river areas near plantation areas and rice fields.


Lubuk larangan; Ecology; Conservation

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