Identification of Plants That Compile The Vegetation Structure of The Critical Land Ecotourism Area of Ngargoretno Village, Magelang, Central Java

Muhamad Agil, Maulida Ulfa Hidayah


Each region has a different ecosystem. Land is an environmental condition that greatly influences the biodiversity of plants that live in an area. The critical land contained in the Ngargoretno Ecotourism Area, Magelang, Central Java, has various types of plants that have never been identified. The condition of the soil, which is prone to landslides, makes the presence of vegetation in the area important as a landslide barrier. This makes plant conservation efforts important and necessary. One of the conservation efforts that can be made is by identifying plants. This research was conducted to identify various types of plants found in the ecotourism area of Ngargoretno, Magelang, and Central Java. Data collection is carried out by means of exploration throughout the region. The results of the study revealed 70 types of plants, consisting of 37 types of families. The most commonly found plant species belong to the families Asteraceae (7 types), Fabaceae (7 types), and Euphorbiaceae (7 types).


critical land; identification; plant

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