Students' Response to Problem Based Learning Model on Motion System Material
Problem Based Learning (PBL) or problem-based learning model is a learning model that focuses on authentic problems in the learning process. This method is widely used in problem solving, development of thinking skills, and self- regulation. This study aimed to describe the problem-based learning process and students' responses on the material of the motion system for class XI students of SMAN 1 Prambanan in the 2022/2023 academic year. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method where the research data collection was conducted using Google Form with guttman scale questionnaire type. The population used was a saturated population with all students in grades XI MIPA 1, 2, and 3 with a total of 100 samples. The results of questionnaire data collection on each aspect of learning; aspects of problem-based learning implementation with a percentage of yes answers of 95.75%, aspects of students' attitudes towards the learning process with a percentage of yes answers of 97.28%, on the aspect of students' understanding of problem-based material with a percentage of yes answers of 96.66%, and aspects of students' interest in participating in further problem-based learning with a percentage of yes answers of 97%. The results obtained in all aspects show that the majority of students have a good response to the problem-based learning model or Problem Based Learning. This means that Problem-based learning can run and is said to be feasible to provide students' understanding.
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