Online citizen science to develop local species identification skills and biodiversity awareness of prospective biology teacher students

Ipin Aripin


Citizen Science (CS) currently involves massive public participation. CS activities have been transformed in various forms, one of which is through Online Citizen Science (OCS). This study aims to identify the outcomes of the OCS program on species identification skills (IS) and biodiversity awareness (KB) in prospective biology teacher students. This study used a survey method involving 30 research participants from two campuses in Majalengka and Cirebon. The research data were collected using non-test techniques in the form of analyzing the results of species identification and biodiversity awareness questionnaire. Data were analyzed qualitatively and described according to the findings. The results showed that OCS participants could identify species with an average level of accuracy in the good category. The level of biodiversity awareness in participants after participating in the OCS program was classified as very high. The OCS program can be an alternative in learning taxonomy that can increase awareness of biodiversity.


Online citizen science, species identification skills, biodivesity awareness

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Deparment of Biology Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Campus 4 UAD Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul,

Special Region of Yogyakarta, 55191