Plant Inventory Constituent of Vegetation Structure of Balikpapan Botanical Garden Area Embung Wain Route East Kalimantan

Maulida Ulfa Hidayah, Muhamad Agil


Plants are important living things that have a role as oxygen providers for other living things. In addition, plants can also be stores of biomass and carbon stocks. The vegetation of the botanical garden area has great potential for maximizing the function of plants and as a place for the conservation of various types of plants. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct continuous inventory (monitoring) to prevent extinction and to update plant data that has never been identified. This research was conducted to identify plants in the Balikpapan Botanical Garden area, especially on the Embung Wain track, which is the first track frequented by visitors for education.
Data retrieval using the method roams all regions on the track. The results of the study revealed as many as 117 species of plants, consisting of 59 families. The members of the plant family that are found are Asteraceae (6 species), Euphorbiaceae (6 types), Fabaceae (7 types), Moraceae (7 types), Poaceae (7 types), and Zingiberaceae (6 types). Endemic plants found in this area are Agathis borneensis, Diospyros borneensis, Diospyros celebica, Eusideroxylon zwageri, Etlingera balikpapanensis, and Eurycoma longifolia.


Vegetasi;Kebun Raya;Identifikasi

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Deparment of Biology Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

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