Descriptive Analysis of Inventory of Equipment and Materials for Biology Laboratory Activities in High Schools throughout Banjarnegara Regency

Fathia Alauddin Ahnaf, Etika Dyah Puspitasari


Laboratory management is an attempt to manage the laboratory in order to have good governance. One of the laboratory management activities is the inventory of laboratory equipment and materials. Inventory is important in recording, storing and controlling the tools and materials contained in the laboratory. The aim of this research is to describe inventory activities for biology laboratory equipment and materials in high schools throughout Banjarnegara district. This research is descriptive research with data collection techniques using an open questionnaire (Google form) and using descriptive analysis techniques. Most high schools in Banjarnegara district still use the manual/conventional method by using the media of inventory recording books. Apart from that, most high schools in Banjarnegara district also carry out maintenance on laboratory equipment after the equipment has been used and on a regular basis. All high school samples in Banjarnegara district have stored laboratory equipment and materials in special storage cabinets. Apart from that, most high schools in Banjarnegara district still have problems, namely the lack of laboratory assistants. Therefore, most high schools in Banjarnegara district require professional laboratory staff to support laboratory management. Apart from that, there are other needs such as the procurement of computers and a digital inventory system (website) to support the process of recording inventory of tools and materials in biological laboratories.


Inventory; Biology; Banjarnegara

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Deparment of Biology Education

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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

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