Effect of light intensity on growth and chlorophyll content of Horenso (Spinacia oleracea) plants

Anida Shoba Alfianti, Hasna Qurrota A'yun Nuraini, Indri Fitryani, Nasywa Putri Zahrani, Syauqi Adika Utami, Sariwulan Diana, Wahyu Surakusumah


Horenso plant or Japanese spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a vegetable plant that is often used for consumption because it contains precursor, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. Plant productivity can be increased by environmental engineering through the use of shade because sunlight influences directly through photosynthesis and indirectly in plant growth and development due to direct metabolic responses. This study aims to determine the effect of light intensity on plant growth and plant chlorophyll content and to see the correlation between chlorophyll content and plant growth of Spinacia oleracea. The research was conducted by experimental method with 3 differences in light intensity namely A = 6000 lux, B = 3000 lux, and C = 2000 lux and 3 differences in shade namely A = clear plastic shade, B = opaque plastic shade and C = white plastic shade. Chlorophyll measurement is used by using the spectrophotometer method. Horenso plant growth is measured by the increase in plant height and the width of the leaf diameter. Data analysis used the ANOVA test to identify significant differences in each treatment.The experimental results showed the value of P = 0.728 while the value of α= 0.05,  that there is no effect of light intensity on the growth of Horenso plants and  The results of the correlation test showed that the value of P>α. The value of P = 0.704 while the value of α = 0.05,  there is no significant relationship between the growth of horenso plants and plant chlorophyll content.


Chlorophyl Content; Growth; Light Intensity; Spinacia oleracea

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26555/symbion.11754


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Copyright (c) 2023 Anida Shoba Alfianti, Hasna Qurrota A'yun Nuraini, Indri Fitryani, Nasywa Putri Zahrani, Syauqi Adika Utami, Sariwulan Diana, Wahyu Surakusumah

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