PLKPD Compilation Based on Research on Characteristics of Epidermis and Epidermis Derivatives of Capsicum frutescens L. and Capsicum chinense Jacq. Leaves for Students of Class XI SMA/MA

Mila Nur Annisa, Zuchrotus Salamah, Hadi Sasongko


There are limitations to teaching materials used in schoolssourced from research results. This study aims to look at the characteristics of the epidermis and epidermal derivatives of the leaves of Capsicum frutescens L. and Capsicum chinense Jacq. as well as to determine the quality of LKPD teaching materials on the material structure and function of plant tissue for class XI students based on the results of the research conducted. The method used for making preparations is the leaf clearing method. The preparations were observed in the laboratory using optilab to see the characteristics of the epidermis and its derivatives. The results of research on the structure of the epidermis and the epidermis derivatives of the leaves of Capsicum frutescens L. and Capsicum chinense Jacq. developed in the form of Biology LKPD. LKPD arrangement is carried out by the ADD (Analysis, Design, Development) stage. Epidermal structure data analysis and leaf epidermal derivatives were carried out descriptively, product assessment was carried out by 2 experts from biology education.Epidermis leaves of Capsicum frutescens L. and Capsicum chinense Jacq. has an irregular epidermal cell shape and is spread over the surface, has anisocytic stomata type, glandular and non-glandular types of trichomes, hydatod trichomes and simple needle-shaped hairs found on the edges of the leaves. The average results of the assessment by two Biology education experts get a percentage value of 73.28% with a feasible category to be tested as teaching material for students of class XI SMA / MA.


Capsicum frutescens L., Capsicum chinense Jacq., PLKPD

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Deparment of Biology Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Campus 4 UAD Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul,

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