Screening of Psychological Problems In Survivor Disaster of Semeru Mount

Januariya Laili, Ria Wiyatfi Linsia


Mount Semeru is one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia, the eruption of Mount Semeru which occurred at the end of 2021 had a big impact on the people who were still surviving. Non-material losses can be in the form of psychological disturbances such as changes in sleep patterns, changes in eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, easy to feel afraid, feel unhappy, easily tired, often cry and unable to enjoy daily activities. This research is a descriptive research using random sampling technique. This study involved 132 survivors with a survivor age range of 19-80 years. The instruments used in this study were compiled by the Directorate of Mental Health, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, which are contained in the book PPDGJ III. The personal self-report questionnaire consists of 29 questions consisting of anxiety and depression disorders (numbers 1-20), psychoactive substance use disorders (number 21), psychotic disorders (numbers 22-24), PTSD disorders (numbers 25-29). The results of this study indicate that the majority of problems found in survivors of the Mount Semeru natural disaster eruption in Jember Regency are anxiety and depression as much as 39% of survivors with the highest being easily anxious, tense or worried, easily scared, and prone to headaches, PTSD disorder 35 % of survivors with symptoms feel disturbed when in situations reminiscent of disasters, dreaming of disasters, and difficulty expressing feelings, 9% of survivors of psychotic disorders and addiction disorders as much as 0% of survivors experience increased alcohol consumption.


screening psychology, srq 29, survivor

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