Sociodrama with belitung measles art to improve students emotion regulation

Zerina Qodrian, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra


The current condition is that there is a decrease in emotional regulation in students. Many studies show that there is still a gap between the expected conditions and the facts in the field. One of the factors that cause low emotion regulation in students is the difficulty in understanding turbulent emotions and not understanding how to manage emotions properly. The impact that often arises because of the low ability of students to regulate emotions is to experience conflicts with peers, stress and even not infrequently adolescents will experience depression about it . Efforts that can be made by counselors begin with helping adolescents regulate their emotions. One of them can be with the sociodrama technique used in group guidance services with the Belitung measles art. This sociodrama with Belitung measles art can improve students' emotion regulation. This sociodrama in group guidance with Belitung measles art has three themes of Belitung measles teachings, namely: (1) emotion expression, (2) aesthetic appreciation, (3) communication. The result of the literature review on the development of sociodrama with Belitung measles art is to improve students' emotion regulation in the form of new understanding and the process of how students solve their own problems.

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