Bibliocounseling with sunan kalijaga's philosophy of life to develop student leadership

Sheva Putra Bintang, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, Siti Partini Suardiman


Leadership is a process that must exist in human life as creatures who need each other. Leadership has been a human nature since birth and cannot be avoided in life. In essence, the survival and success of a person depends on his leadership spirit. In fact, there are still many people who deviate from human nature as a leader, especially among school students. The lack of leadership spirit is one of the most serious problems so it is not uncommon for the phenomenon of leadership crisis to emerge. In society, it can be seen that there are still many people who are arbitrary with the power they have, there are also people who are so eager to have power that they do everything possible to achieve it. The same thing also happens among school students, causing academic cheating which will affect academic achievement. Of course this is inversely proportional to human nature as a good leader. Therefore, as a BK teacher or counselor in overcoming this problem, offering solutions with bibliocounseling techniques that use the philosophy of life of sunan kalijaga. In this bibliocounseling service with the philosophy of life of sunan kalijaga, it consists of several points about leadership, including: 1) Urip Iku Urup, 2) Sura Dira Jayaningrat Lebur Dening Pangastuti, 3) Aja Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna, and 4) Aja Ketungkul Marang Kalungguhan, Kadonyan lan Kemareman. This service aims to help students develop their leadership spirit. This research uses a literature review method that can be used as a reference for other researchers to test its effectiveness

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