Bibliocounseling with the story of general sudirman to increase optimism
Optimism is an attitude that consistently responds positively to every event that occurs. An optimistic attitude strengthens individuals to face life successfully in all their activities because optimistic individuals utilize their potential to the fullest with confidence in their abilities and positive thinking. Optimistic individuals tend not to give up easily and do not focus on the negative aspects of the problems they face. One of the efforts proposed in this study is the use of bibliocounseling. Bibliocounseling is a form of therapy that uses reading materials to help solve individual problems. It involves reading selected materials with therapeutic purposes, as it is believed that reading can influence an individual's attitudes, feelings, and behaviors as desired. However, in the school context, there are obstacles related to students' interest in thick and heavy reading materials, as well as the limited availability of reading materials that meet their needs, so the development of interesting and innovative bibliocounseling media is very important. In this context, this study proposes the effectiveness of "Bibliocounseling Enriched with the Story of General Sudirman", which highlights the values of heroism and optimism contained in the teachings of General Sudirman. Through this medium, individuals can seek inspirational information and identify problem-solving approaches for their academic tasks. It is hoped that this media can serve as a provider of information, behavior guidance, problem identification, enlightenment, prevention, treatment, and self-development, by introducing the heroic values of General Sudirman, it is hoped that the younger generation can have an optimistic attitude in facing problems and developing their potential. Therefore, education about heroic values needs to be socialized among students. The research design used in this study is quantitative research with experimental method. Experimental research aims to determine the effect of something that is applied to the subject under study.
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