The Influence of Paola Serena's Endorsement on Avoskin's Brand Awareness Through Instagram Social Media

Elsa Kurnia Fadillah, Nunik Hariyanti


This research aims to determine the influence of beauty influencer Paola Serena on Avoskin brand awareness among her followers. Paola Serena is known as a beauty influencer who is quite influential on Instagram. Avoskin is a local Indonesian skincare brand that was founded in 2014. Avoskin carries out brand awareness by holding make some new product they call “devine Aura Series”  to reintroduce Avoskin products to increase brand awareness to the public, by collaborating with Paola Serena. This method of this research is used quantitative methods, with probability sampling involving 134 respondents, and was processed using SPSS 22.0. The research results showed  the calculation of the Celebrity Endorser variable score has the highest score,  34.72, its mean that there is a success from Endorsement Beauty Influencer Paola Serena who made her followers know about Avoskin and even bought Avoskin products. The cumulative score for the brand awareness variable is 27.67. The cumulative score of all variables was a value of 31.19, which shows that the results are within the effective scale range. Meanwhile, the effects and results of the persuasive message that Paola Serena conveyed show that there is an influence on Avoskin's brand awareness on Instagram social media.

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