Marketing communication of Klinik Kopi using the 7P model to increase consumer buying interest in Yogyakarta
The aim of this study is to seek the marketing communication strategy that has been used by Klinik Kopi to increasing their sales. Communication strategy is a communication process that occurs in an effort to win the interests of an agency or company. Aims to influence society so that the main goal can be achieved in accordance with the strategic plan. Communication strategies are also related to participation, which is specifically difficult to determine from the diversity of internal conditions within it as well as the local cultural environment. Methode used in this study is qualitative research methods, the data collection method that researchers will use is by conducting interviews, documentation and observation. In this research, researchers conducted interviews with the owner of the Klinik Kopi, namely Mas Pepeng and the consumers of the Klinik Kopi. The result of this study shows that the simplicity of marketing communication Klink Kopi offers, made Klinik Kopi’s strategy of marketing works perfectly and made it different than other’s coffeeshop.
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