Representation of Javanese social values and culture in Sukun special baru advertisement - Beda Masa Satu Rasa
This research aims to analyze the representation of Javanese social values and culture in the Sukun Spesial Baru advertisement - Beda Masa Satu Rasa. The method that will be used is a qualitative approach with Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic method. The results of this research reveal that Javanese social values and cultural in Sukun Spesial Baru advertisements - Beda Masa Satu Rasa are represented through obedient behavior to parents, mutual help behavior, Javanese marriage culture, and gathering culture. The representation of Javanese social values and culture in this advertisement is expected to raise awareness among the audience regarding the importance of preserving social values and Javanese cultural in social life, ensuring they are not simply influenced by globalization and modernization.
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