Analysis of the moral message contained in the just Mom Movie 2021
Human life never escapes communication. The process of interaction interacts socially through symbols and messaging systems. Communication is an important aspect of people's lives, both directly and indirectly. With communication, it can add insight and information. Film is one of the words that is familiar to today's society, film can be considered a powerful communication tool because it is in the form of audio visual which means it has a message contained in it. One of the messages contained in the film is a moral message. There are many types of moral messages conveyed through means of communication. One of them is through a comprehensive film media for the public.
Film is a form of mass communication medium that presents messages effectively. The film not only presents exciting experiences but also relates to daily life experiences that are packaged interestingly, as depicted in a family film called Just Mom. Using John Fiske's semiotics, this study focuses on knowing the moral message contained in the film Just Mom through the level of reality, level of representation, and level of ideology. The results of this study show that the moral message contained in the film "Just Mom" is represented through expression, dialogue and interaction between parents and children.Full Text:
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