The application of integrated marketing communications by Laundry City to create customer satisfaction
This research discusses the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) implementation strategy implemented by Laundry City, a kilo laundry service business operating in various areas of Jakarta. This research aims to understand how IMC, which includes advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion, can be used to create an optimal level of customer satisfaction. This research makes an important contribution to the understanding of how IMC can be applied in service businesses, particularly in the kilo laundry sector. The implication of this research is that a robust IMC strategy can help businesses like Laundry City to improve their service quality, achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction, and ultimately, increase customer loyalty and sustainable business growth. This research also integrates the concepts of market segmentation, targeting, and market positioning (STP) as an important framework in Laundry City's IMC strategy. Using this approach, this study discusses how Laundry City can identify the market segments that are most responsive to their marketing messages, as well as how they determine the target market that matches the needs and preferences of their customers. The results of this study show that Laundry City's implementation of IMC has successfully created a high level of customer satisfaction. Through effective advertising, well-planned public relations, targeted direct marketing, and attractive sales promotions, Laundry City managed to build a strong brand image and gain customer trust. In addition, careful market segmentation, precise targeting, and clear market positioning enable them to provide services that suit the needs of each customer segment.
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