Lorian's personal branding strategy as a travel influencer through the Tiktok account @lorianbackpacker

Devina Dian Regita, Muhammad Muttaqien


Personal branding is generally used to increase someone’s attractiveness or to sell point through social media. It is built by the individual themselves through their work or profession. One of the personal branding actors on social media is an influencer.  Indah Suci Lorian (@lorianbackpacker) is a travel influencer who is currently building personal branding on Tiktok. The purpose of this study is to determine the personal branding strategy carried out by Lorian as a travel influencer on her Tiktok social media account. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found 7 out of the 11 effective criterias carried out by Lorian in forming personal branding, namely 1) Authenticity, 2) Consistency, 3) Specialization, 4) Distincitiveness, 5) Relevant, 6) Visibility, and 7) Persistence. This research shows that lorianbackpacker conveys messages to its followers based on facts from its experience. The reflection of lorianbackpacker's personality who always appears as it is and likes freedom are implemented in her contents so that people are interested and continue to follow her. As a travel influencer, lorianbackpacker continues to work by consistently creating interesting, varied, informative, and entertaining contents.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14008


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