Digital content marketing strategy on social media Instagram to increase brand engagement with MSMEs in 2023

Nimas Cindy Monica Arni, Sovia Sitta Sari


Along with the development of technology, especially the internet and the large number of people using smartphones, the growth of the digital advertising industry in Indonesia continues to increase. The large number of existing advertising agency companies is a challenge for advertising agencies themselves because competition is increasingly fierce. Therefore, every agency must have a good and attractive marketing communications strategy to be able to compete with similar businesses. One way is to implement content marketing to increase brand engagement with customers. The implementation of content marketing must be accompanied by choosing the right strategy, otherwise, brand engagement will not be achieved. One creative agency in Yogyakarta that is trying to implement this strategy to increase brand engagement is Billa Creative Agency. Billa Creative Agency is part of PT Billa Corp Indonesia, which provides social media marketing, branding, and digital creative services. The main focus is to support Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and business owners. This research aims to determine the digital content marketing strategy on social media Instagram in increasing brand engagement with MSMEs in 2023. The theoretical framework consists of digital content marketing strategy and brand engagement. This research approach is qualitative with descriptive methods. Obtain data from interviews as well as additional supporting data. The result of this research will show how the digital content marketing strategy carried out by can increase brand engagement with MSMEs via instagram.

Keywords: Brand engagement, Creative agency, Digital content marketing, Instagram, Strategy

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