Indonesian Football Club Supporter rivalry (Case study of PSIM Jogja Supporter conflict with PSS Sleman Supporters)

Mukhlas Setiyawan, Eka Anisa


This research raises a case study of the DIY derby conflict of PSIM Jogja supporters, (Brajamusti), and PSS Sleman (Slemania & Brigata Curva Sud). The conflict occurred because this rivalry had long been rooted from the 2 sides. Causing many casualties and the impact of other conflicts can cause anxiety for lovers of both teams who want to enjoy a football match without riots. This study examines to describe what forms of conflict occur between PSIM Jogja supporters and PSS Sleman supporters.The conflict between the two PSIM Jogja supporters and PSS Sleman has been very worrying and many have been harmed by this rivalry. The conflict between the two parties does not only occur in the real world, but occurs in cyberspace (social media). Taunting each other and threatening each other to intervene in opposing supporters. Vandalism on the walls is also their medium in conflict, there are many writings that describe the conflict between PSIM Jogja supporters and PSS Sleman supporters. The conflict became increasingly heated due to rivalry and high prestige. With the Kanjuruhan tragedy that occurred in Malang, many supporters began to improve themselves. In the end, they agreed to solve their problems and hard rivalries into a new culture, namely peace.

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