Social media content implementation Tiktok in personal development branding students of communication Ahmad Dahlan University
TikTok's presence in indonesia offers a platform for content creators to showcase their di verse and innovative creations. given the multitude of capabilities offered by TikTok, it is unsurprising that many users utilize this program to market their busineses through innovative films. Additionally, content creators and influencers also employ TikTok to establish and enhance their personal brand. The students at Ahmad Dahlan University's communication sciences program are likewise interested in establishing personal branding with the TikTok app. several communication sciences students engage in the dual activities of consuming and producing material with their family, romantic partners, and peers using popular effects, films, and music on the TikTok application. Researchers are interested in investigating the impact of social media content on the development of personal branding among students at Ahmad Dahlan University of communication sciences, based on the aforementioned exposure.
This study emloys a qualitative methodology utilizing case study techniques. This study employed qualitative research to provide a comprehensive understanding of how social media material influences the development of personal branding among students at Ahmad Dahlan University of communication sciences. The research utilized narrative techniques to desribe and analyze the findings, which were subsequently compared with relevant theoreticalframeworks. the data collection methods employed in this study encompass interviews, observations, and documentation. the data analysis strategy employed in this study is interaction model of miles and huberman's approach, which encompasses data collection, data reduction, and conclusion and verification.
According to the findings of this study, it is evident that communication science students possess a unique and robust personality when it comes to developing their personal branding. they are characterized as brigt, enthusiastic, possessing leadership qualities, actively engaged, and entertaining. as a graduate in communication sciences, i have observed that certain students have effectively developed their own branding. the reliabe metric is derived from the implementation of peter montoya's eight aspects of personal branding in the construction of personal brands on TikTok media platfroms. communication sciences students can utilize three key features offered by TikTok to enhance their video creaction on the platform: live streaming, effects, and popularity.
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