Marketing communication strategy in forming a positive company image: Case study of Porta by the Ambarrukmo Hotel
Competition in the hotel business is a challenge for entrepreneurs in improving marketing communications strategies, one of which is to support the achievement of profits and other factors such as maintaining a positive company image. In this research, the object of research is one of the hotels in the city of Yogyakarta, namely Porta by The Ambarrukmo Hotel. This research aims to find out how marketing communication strategies shape Porta's image by The Ambarrukmo Hotel. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The resource person in this research is Marketing Communications at Porta by The Ambarrukmo. The result of this research indicates that Porta by The Ambarrukmo Hotel implements a marketing communication strategy using a marketing communications mix, such as advertising, sales promotions, special events, and experience, public relations and publications, direct sales, interactive marketing, word of mouth marketing, and personal selling. In carrying out the marketing communications strategy for Porta by The Ambarrukmo Hotel, the first stage of marketing planning is carried out, namely segmenting, targeting, and positioning. Porta by The Ambarrukmo builds relationships with consumers by providing excellent service and creating a positive image. The current strategic focus in communicating hotel products to consumers is using social media.
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