The influence of Tiktok Shop on buying interest in Petanahan High School 1
Social media is very important for society as a medium of communication and entertainment, and interacting remotely regardless of distance. At this time, the social media that is becoming a prima donna for most Indonesian teenagers is TikTok Shop. With various goods or products offered, TikTok Shop also offers a lot of free shipping to attract the attention of its users. Just like other comers, the payment methods in TikTok Shop can also be used via bank transfer and COD (Cash On Delivery), which will certainly make it easier for users to shop. That way, in addition to making it easier for users to shop, TikTok Shop is also a promotional forum for content creators by means of live chat or with videos made to achieve FYP (For Your Page). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how much influence TikTok Shop users have on buying interest in Petanahan High School 1. This research method uses quantitative research methods with Simple Linear Regression data and two data sources, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data obtained from this study is by distributing questionnaires using a survey method with open questions for students who use TikTok Shop social media at Petanahan High School 1. The results of the study show that there is an influence of TikTok Shop on the interest in buying goods or products at Based on these results, the majority of Petanahan High School 1 students use TikTok Shop social media to shop online.
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