Feminism analysis of Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 Women’s movement against sexual harassment
The Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 event is being torn apart. This started with the revelation of cases of alleged sexual harassment experienced by all the female finalists. Several victims began to speak out and took action to report to the police. Therefore, this research intends to analyze the women's feminist movement against sexual harassment at the Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 event to achieve gender justice.
This research is qualitative research with a case study approach and a critical paradigm. Using a case study approach, this research reveals the dismantling of the process of sexual harassment experienced by victims who have made it into the news. Meanwhile, the critical paradigm is used as a form of immersion in the women's feminist movement against sexual harassment in achieving gender justice.
Research shows that the power of women in the context of Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 is gender inequality. Then it emerged in the news for allegations of sexual harassment that did not reflect good ethics. News circulated that he played an active role and that cases of alleged sexual harassment accompanied by the women's resistance movement were still high. It is revealed that there is a flow of existentialist feminism, a movement towards individual freedom and fighting injustice against women. In this way, women prove that they have the power to uphold justice for gender equality.
The Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 event is being torn apart. This started with the revelation of cases of alleged sexual harassment experienced by all the female finalists. Several victims began to speak out and took action to report to the police. Therefore, this research intends to analyze the women's feminist movement against sexual harassment at the Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 event to achieve gender justice.
This research is qualitative research with a case study approach and a critical paradigm. Using a case study approach, this research reveals the dismantling of the process of sexual harassment experienced by victims who have made it into the news. Meanwhile, the critical paradigm is used as a form of immersion in the women's feminist movement against sexual harassment in achieving gender justice.
Research shows that the power of women in the context of Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 is gender inequality. Then it emerged in the news for allegations of sexual harassment that did not reflect good ethics. News circulated that he played an active role and that cases of alleged sexual harassment accompanied by the women's resistance movement were still high. It is revealed that there is a flow of existentialist feminism, a movement towards individual freedom and fighting injustice against women. In this way, women prove that they have the power to uphold justice for gender equality.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14037
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