Representation of cyberbullying in John Denver trending movie
The movie "John Denver Trending" explores the presence of social phenomena, specifically cyberbullying, in the context of school-aged children. The movie is interesting because it explores the subject of cyberbullying that is prevalent in cyberspace. Cyberbullying is a manifestation of bullying that arises from the inappropriate utilization of social networks. The detrimental effects of cyberbullying can go beyond the effects of traditional face-to-face bullying. The provision of opportunities to a wide range of individuals and the inherent challenges associated with regulating responsible parties contribute to the importance of this phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to determine the depiction of cyberbullying in the movie john denver trending Trending. This research utilizes John Fiske's semiotic analysis theory as a theoretical framework. This theory can be used to examine the depiction of cyberbullying in the movie "John Denver Trending" by looking at television codes, namely the levels of reality, representation, and ideology. This study uses descriptive qualitative methodology to provide an overview of the phenomenon of cyberbullying depicted in the movie "John Denver's Trending." The findings of the study reveal the existence of several forms of cyberbullying in the movie. The research findings reveal the existence of several forms of cyberbullying, namely harassment, denigration, outing and trickery in the context of the movie "John Denver's Trending."
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