Women as objects of criminal news: Framing analysis of the reporting of women's mutilation murder cases in Sleman on the online media Tribunnews.com and Suara.com
This essay examines the framing of the Sleman female mutilation murder case as reported in web publications Suara.com and Tribunnews.com between March and August of 2023. The framing analysis method is used in this study to identify typical journalism practices like as sensationalism, balance, and attention-grabbing headlines when covering the mutilation murder of women in Sleman in online media outlets like Suara.com and Tribunnews.com. The framing analysis method developed by Robert N. Entman is a qualitative research strategy that is used to highlight the important elements in the news text. The results of the investigation demonstrate that the corresponding online publications, Suara.com and Tribunnews.com, prioritize women as news objects, use bombastic and spectacular news titles, and produce vulgar words in their journalism..
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14080
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