Followers' motives of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta student on the Instagram account @dear_umycatcallers
Instagram is a social media platform that functions to share photos, videos, and information. An Instagram account called @dear_umycatcallers which is managed by gender and sexuality activists in Yogyakarta was widely discussed by students at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta in early 2022. The Instagram account @dear_umycatcallers is an account that provides information about education and complaints of sexual violence around the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta in every upload. Currently, the Instagram account @dear_umycatcallers has more than 9,000 followers. This research was conducted to determine the motives of followers of Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta students on the Instagram account @dear_umycatcallers. Researchers used qualitative research methods with in-depth interview data collection techniques with 7 informants. The technique for taking informants uses an accidental sampling technique. The data analysis uses interactive analysis, with data validity testing using source triangulation. The theory used in this research is Herbert Blumer's motive theory with descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. The research results show that for information motives, uploads from the Instagram account @dear_umycatcallers regarding cases of sexual violence that occurred within the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta are an important issue that is needed by followers. This information is needed by followers who are also students at Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University so that they can increase their knowledge and awareness to avoid sexual violence. Regarding personal identity motives, the majority of informants commented and shared uploads from the Instagram account @dear_umycatcallers regarding sexual violence with their friends. This is done as a form of caring for the people around them in their ways. Regarding the diversion motive, the majority of informants felt entertained when they saw other people's comments in the comments column in the Instagram account upload @dear_umycatcallers.
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