Marketing communication strategy of brother house Café Wonosobo in attract the interest through Instagram account @brotherhouse.lounge in 2023
Business development in the culinary field increases every year. Business owner are competing to show uniqueness in order to attract attention and be able to compete in the market so that their business can grow, one of which is the Brother house café Wonosobo. The emergence of new cafes that encourage Brother house café must create a marketing communication strategy, one of which uses social media Instagram to attract consumers. The research objective is to describe Brother house's marketing communication strategy in attracting interest through Instagram. This research in its analysis will use Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) theory to find out the implementation of the strategy, besides that AISAS is used to see consumer behavior. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods using interviews and documentation and analyzes qualitative data, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are expected to show how the marketing communication strategy carried out by Brother house cafe through Instagram.
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