Marketing communication strategy of Heha Ocean View in building visitor loyalty (A qualitative descriptive study at Heha Ocean View Yogyakarta)

Muhammad Andi Hasan Abdillah, Iman Sumarlan


Marketing communication strategy is a creative and integrated approach taken by a company to compete in fierce and competitive business or marketing competition and build customer satisfaction.  The results of this study show that the marketing communication strategy used by Heha Ocean View has an effective and creative effect in building visitor loyalty. This research uses qualitative methods, with data collection based on interviews, observations, and documentation of informants. Supported by the theory of Kotler & Armstrong (2008: 116), the company's promotion mix or so-called marketing communication mix is a specific blend of advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, personal sales, and public relations that companies use to communicate customer value persuasively and build customer relationships. The results of this study show that Heha Ocean View implements a marketing communication strategy aimed at building visitor loyalty and as a key company in maintaining competitiveness in the long term.

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