Audience’s reception to social criticism in the Film “Atas Nama Daun”

Adithia Ramadhan, Gibbran Pratisara


Film is one of several mass media to influence the audience's point of view of an object, phenomenon, or problem. Every film produced must have a message, an idea that wants to be conveyed to the audience. In some mass media, Marijuana is always present in bad form, the benefits of Marijuana as an alternative medicine for various diseases are still minimally known to a wide audience. Some countries legalize marijuana in a limited way only for medical purposes, and some other countries have legalized marijuana in full. But in Indonesia, marijuana is still a debate because the government has not conducted scientific research on marijuana. Through this study, researchers tried to find out how the audience reception in seeing, assessing, interpreting the issue of medical marijuana legalization in the documentary film Atas Nama Daun. This research uses a qualitative approach method and uses Stuart Hall's reception theory where there are 3 audience groups, namely dominant-hegemonic groups, negotiated position, oppositional position.

The results of this study showed that out of 5 speakers, there were three speakers in the dominant-hegemonic group who agreed on the content of the message in the film. One interviewee in the negotiated position group agreed with the content of the message, noting several aspects of the film. The last group of oppositional positions was one source who disagreed with the content of the message in the film Atas Nama Daun. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the majority of the audience agrees with the content of the message in the documentary Atas Nama Daun.

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