RRI Tanjungpinang’s public relations strategy in increasing loyality in the era of disruption

Juli Andana, Muhammad Najih Farihanto


The development of information technology has brought government public relations as well as organizations and companies, through Cyber Public Relations, to disseminate news or information through social media and social networks to improve better relations between public relations and the public, so that the information provided arrives more quickly and can be done anywhere, without any space limits. So that innovation and fundamental changes occur on a large scale as a result of the emergence of digital technology which is able to change the system that occurs in Indonesia and globally. Then the media also experienced quite significant growth. Therefore, Cyber PR RRI Tanjungpinang needs to change its view from one that is product or service oriented, to a customer oriented view. So RRI is able to provide company loyalty in line with technological competition between radio and other media. This type of research is qualitative in nature and is carried out through a case study approach. Qualitative research method is a research method used to examine the condition of an object where the researcher is the key instrument, the collection technique is carried out in combination. The results of this research are, first, the most important strategy that RRI Tanjungpinang must have is a stronger broadcast reach with other media. second, move to invite partners by making a proposal first, offering cooperation, and presenting the program being carried out. third, utilizing technology as a form of communicating to the public using various multiplatforms in the palm of one gadget.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14144


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