Communication strategy for guidance and religious Teachers in increasing mental immunity so they can face cyberbullying among Students at Senior High School 3 Klaten

Ifnani Ulil Huda


In this very modern era, there are still many cases of bullying, or what we usually call Bullying, where most bullying cases involve minors. Most cases of bullying are carried out in environments where bullying should be strictly prohibited, namely in the school environment. As time goes by, bullying is not only done directly or in the real world but can be done indirectly or in the virtual world. Cyberbullying is a term that is commonly used to define bullying carried out in the virtual world. and it's even more dangerous because we don't know who the perpetrator is. Most victims of cyberbullying are minors and those still at school. For this reason, the role of teachers, especially guidance and counseling teachers and religious teachers, in dealing with students affected by cyberbullying is very important. This research aims to find out what strategies guidance and counseling teachers and religious teachers use to increase mental immunity so they can face cyberbullying among high school students in Senior High School 3 Klaten and how effective these efforts are for its students. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach and uses interview and observation techniques as a way to collect data with 5 respondents covering 3 criteria, namely Initiator, Recipient, and Decision Maker. The interview material was transcribed and reviewed. The results of this analysis produced 3 themes which are discussed here social support, self, and motivation. A study of these three themes is very useful for understanding how to increase school student's mental immunity to deal with cyberbullying.

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