Conflict resolution between virtual Hotel Operator and MAKUTA Hotel using negotiation communication
This research based on the problem, namely the lack of negotiation and conflict resolution from VHO to one of their client and the trust from client is keep decreasing, therefore the cooperations between two parties collapse. This research categorized as qualitative research using descriptive methods, and using case study which is the researcher is the key instrument, the data collection is using data triangulation technique, using interview results between all the parties involved. This research approach uses a qualitative approach with interview and field observation methods, the characteristic of data analysis is inductive. The purpose of this research is to answer the question why VHO failed to maintain the collaboration with their client. The result of this study indicates there is several variabels causing VHO failed to maintain their sharing economy business with their client, VHO breaking several aggrement with their client and leads to deadlock at negotiation between both parties, therefore their client decided to terminate the cooperation with VHO.
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