Political communication patterns of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Candidates via Instagram social media

Afif Kurniawan, Rendra Widyatama


Based on the results of a survey on Indonesian presidential candidates for 2024, there are three leading names to become the next president. To gain support in the 2024 presidential election, presidential candidates need a strategy to gain public trust. The strategy is a political communication pattern through Instagram social media branding. The communication process that occurs in personal branding requires expertise, personality, and unique characteristics so that it will form a strong identity. Political communicators use a form of political communication to achieve a goal. The forms of political communication that are often used by communicators are divided into 7 forms, namely: Political rhetoric; political agitation; political propaganda; political public relations; political campaigns; political lobbying; and mass media. The Instagram posts of the three 2024 presidential candidates have different content. The three presidential candidates have their own political communication. This happens because the candidates upload Instagram content that is different from each other. Factors that influence the differences in political communication patterns of presidential candidates include the frequency of uploaded content types and caption writing.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14337


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