Music as a form of interpersonal communication (Analysis of Bahterasvara performance by Nanang Garuda)

Azis Maulana Malik, Iman Sumarlan


Music is a unique form of communication with a rich history of message delivery, making it a fascinating field of study. The combination of the functions and characteristics of music with communication has given rise to "music communication". This convergence between music and communication meets human needs, this study investigates interpersonal communication during the Bahterasvara music performance at the 99th-anniversary celebration of HKTY church in August 2023. The performance combined experimental music and puppetry, involving exchanges between musicians and puppeteers, creating a unique blend of expressive storytelling and music. This research aims to understand how interaction and meaning-making occur in the collaborative creation between experimental music and puppetry. George Herbert Mead's framework of symbolic interactionism is used for analysis, qualitative research methods are employed, focusing on human instruments in natural settings. Bahterasvara, which features seven instruments representing diverse musical genres, acts as a unifying force, sustaining and combining various musical elements.

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