Public relations strategy of the ministry of defense of the republic of Indonesia in service and development of information and communication to the community

Ananda Ramadhan, Ardiyanto Wardhana


As is known, Public Relations (PR) or Public Relations (PR) has an important role in an organization or company. In the current era of globalization, where everyone can easily access and obtain information. This is where one of the important roles of PR or Public Relations is as a liaison between an organization or company and the wider community. PR or Public Relations will straighten out wrong information received by the public, as well as provide correct information related to the activities or products of the organization or agency. PR or Public Relations can be said to be the practice of managing communication between an organization or company and its community, The role of Public Relations of the Ministry of Defense Communications in its realization can be exposed in public relations activities. Public relations really needs communication to realize its activities. A reciprocal relationship between an organization and its public is a principle that must be implemented, The role of Public Relations of the Ministry of Defense plays a very active role in implementing the vision and mission where distribution occurs various information related to the latest issues to the community and developments, direct distribution to the community and using various media so that this information can be conveyed to the community as a whole. In connection with the function of public relations in achieving community goals through direct or face-to-face meetings, socialization and the use of applications to the community through various media.Communication has an important role in human life, from Human daily activities are carried out by communication. Anywhere, at any time, and in any kind of consciousness or situation, humans are always stuck with communication. By communicating humans can fulfil needs and achieve their life goals, by communicating is a very basic human need.

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