Parental communication style with teenage perpetrators of brawls in Yogyakarta

Mara Rengga, Suciati Suciati


This study describes the parental communication style with teenage perpetrators of brawls in Yogyakarta. Student brawls can be interpreted as anarchist acts carried out by two groups in the form of mass fights. Anarchist actions carried out by students are caused by several factors, one of which is family factors such as the communication style given. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive type. The data used in this study were interview data and documentation, the resource persons involved were two pairs of parents and children with the initials HK (parents) - EA (children) and AS (parents) - MS (children). Determination of informants using the Purposive Sampling method, which is one of the techniques of taking informants intentionally where researchers determine for themselves the number of informants taken because there are certain considerations. The results of this study found that parents' communication styles affect children's brawl behavior. HK parents' communication style is aggressive, while AS parents' communication style is non-assertive. In the HK-EA pair, HK exercises restraint on all EA's wishes. So EA vents its unfreedom when outside the home. While in the AS-MS pair, AS obeys all MS's wishes but does not give time to communicate face to face, so MS seeks attention by following the brawl action.
Keywords: Parental Communication Style, Communication, Aggressive, non Assertive.

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