Optimizing Air Traffic Controller Communication for Enhanced Flight Safety: A Case Study of AirNav Indonesia Palembang Branch
As a fast, economical, and efficient mode of transportation, air travel is the only option for inter-island and inter-regional travel. Air traffic has regulations that must be followed by all vehicles on the ground and in the air, including commercial airplanes and helicopters. This research aims to investigate the role of communication in managing the workload of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) in ensuring flight traffic safety at AirNav Indonesia Palembang Branch. With increasingly dense and complex air traffic, effective coordination and communication between ATCs and aircraft pilots are key to preventing incidents and accidents. This research uses a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with ATCs, observations at the air traffic control center, and analysis of relevant documents. The results of this research show that good communication between ATCs and pilots is crucial for flight safety. ATCs need to carefully manage their workload, including handling various types of communication such as voice, text messages, and radar data. Factors like time pressure, fatigue, and stress also affect ATC communication. Therefore, effective workload management and training to improve ATC communication skills are essential. This study also provides recommendations for the development of policies and best practices to optimize ATC communication in maintaining flight safety at AirNav Indonesia Palembang Branch.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14517
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