The transformation of digital learning communication in Xaverrius 4 Palembang
In this case, of course, learning will adapt more quickly to the learning carried out by the teacher via YouTube and also the concept of learning carried out through Google Schooler to create special assignments and websites provided by SD Xaverius 4 Palembang school. Technological development is of course very helpful in the process of teaching and learning activities. The teachers will of course find it easier to apply and explain the learning material that will be provided by the students, of course, with the existence of learning media that has been designed in such a way that it can help teachers in the teaching and learning process. The transformation used is of course adjusted and matched with the development of technology and teaching materials for teachers at SD Xaverius 4 Palembang. The research method this time is descriptive qualitative by looking at how the teacher's process in teaching and learning activities is designed and updated more deeply in the activities of the learning process.
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