The influence of Instagram social media promotion @Explore_Kebumen on tourist visit interest in Kebumen
Instagram is one of the social media that is often used as a promotional media now. Social Media itself is a container to promote, introduce, and grow consumer interest in the product being promoted. Instagram account @explore_kebumen itself was created to introduce the beauty of nature and culture that still exists and developed in Kebumen. Therefore, this study ini aims to determine the effect of Instagram social media promotion the @explore_kebumen account on followers ' interest in visiting tourist attractions in Kebumen. In this study, the methode used by researchers is quantitative with the type of research chosen is descriptive and causal. Pengambilan Sampling was conducted using metode non probability sampling method, simple random sampling, with 100 respondents. This study uses analysis techniques deskriptif, uji analisis, simple classical and linear analysis tests, uji coefficient of determination tests and hypothesis tests. From the results of the hypothesis that has been done, the results Instagram account @explorekebumen influential in determining the interest of visiting followers to Kebumen. This result is evidenced by the table tcount (10,114) > t table (1.944). So that the coefficient of determination obtained that the Instagram account @explore kebumen has an_kebumen effect of 51.1% on the interest of followers to visit Kebumen.
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