The Effect of Traffic Engineering Toward Traffic Accidents: An Effort to Control the Spread of the Covid-19

Yulia Kurniaty, Johny Krisnan, Basri Basri, Heri Saktiyono


Various efforts have been made by the central and regional governments to reduce the spread of the Covid-19, starting from Large-Scale Social Restrictions, social dictancing, wearing masks, working from home and learning from home. This study aims to determine the effect of the Magelang City Police strategy in controlling the spread of the Covid-19 by imposing traffic engineering, closing two main roads entering the City of Magelang (Jl.Jendral Sudriman and Jl. A.Yani) on the number of traffic accidents. The purpose of this traffic engineering is to reduce interaction between residents outside the City of Magelang and residents of the City of Magelang. The data on the number of traffic accidents were obtained using empirical methods. The results shows that the reduced volume of vehicles passing by in the City of Magelang should have a positive impact on reducing the number of traffic accidents, but it isn’t. The graph of the number of traffic accidents does not differ drastically, this is due to the factors that cause accidents originating from the driver (careless, sleepy, not concentrating), vehicle condition factors (brakes not functioning) and road conditions (slippery roads due to rain).

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