The Drawbacks of Mudharabah Financing Contract on Sharia Banking

Wiwin Muchtar Wiyono, Eti Mul Erowati, Iskatrinah Iskatrinah


In classical fiqh studies, a mudharabah contract is an agreement based on the element of trust. The application of mudharabah financing there is no need for collateral or guarantees. In the mudarabah contract, the relationship between shahibul mal and mudarib is a trustworthy relationship. In addition, guarantees are deemed necessary in the mudharabah contract aimed at avoiding moral hazard (business actors), namely the occurrence of abuse or irregularities and negligence in the management of mudharabah funds. The objective of research is to analyses the drawbacks of Mudarabah financing contracts in Sharia Banking and its challenges. The research method is sourced from secondary data in the form of a Sharia Banking mudharabah financing contract and the qualitative analysis used in this research. This research found there are weaknesses in the content of the mudharabah financing contract indicating an imbalance between the shahibul mal and mudharib parties. For profit and loss, it has also not applied sharia principles and there are still elements of harmonious and unfulfilled contract conditions, unclear elements of help, for this an approach is needed so that a contract is valid, it must fulfill the harmonious and the terms and conditions contained in it.

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